Falling Snowflakes


Dear Visitors,

May the year of Dragon brings you lotta of luck, blessing, good health, carreer and happiness. Sending you my heartfelt wishes filled with joy.

Have a wonderful & Prosperous Chinese New Year 2012!!!

My precious little girl, Ginger Baby

My precious little girl, Ginger Baby
My precious little girl, Ginger Baby

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A Box of Chocolate Warm my heart...

I'm so blessed and fortunate to have such a thoughtful and generous boss. He will never failed to get me something from overseas whenever he travels.
This time, I got a box of chocolates (Jean-Paul Hevin) from him. He got this for me from Paris... how sweet of him... : ) And of course, this is not the only お土産(gifts) I received from him over the past 5 years…

Think I have to keep a list of what he has given me so far...  hmm... A bottle of cologne from Germany, a box of bakery in Hello kitty figurine from Japan, a set of refreshment make-up kit from Japan, a set of hand cream from Paris, An animals prints handkerchief from Japan, a piano prints handkerchief from Japan... wow now that I realized it's countless.... there are more items which I can't really remember... kekeke....


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